

I want you, but it won’t do no harm keeping my options open, will it? Not necessarily for someone better to come along,  but for someone I’m willing to commit to, unless of course one day I become sure about you.


It’s complicated…
I’m not ready yet…
I just can’t commit…
Let’s go with the flow.
Let’s take it slow…
The sex is out of this world…
It’s getting boring by the day… The dreaded ‘What are we?’

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck then it probably is a duck. Well, that’s an analogy for ducks only. When it comes to relationships, it isn’t true. It’s delusional.
It smells like a relationship, sort of feels like one, buts it’s nothing close to  real. It’s a ship… It’s a sinking ship.

I want you, but it won’t do no harm keeping my options open, will it? Not necessarily for someone better to come along,  but for someone I’m willing to commit to, unless of course one day I become sure about you.

Situationships are synonymous with blurred boundaries. You don’t know where to draw the line. Constantly chilling, going with the flow and enjoying each other’s time and company means that you get to talk, and rely on each other both physically and emotionally. You now have someone to call when you need something, or feel lonely and someone to have fun with. But then it’s never enough. One person feels cheated. This is where the dreaded question comes in.

You: What are we?

Me: We’re Netflix and Chill😂. Someone said…” To define is to limit”.

There’s always some fear  that after the DTR (define the relationship) talk one will be ‘ghosted’.  You know, after you’ve gained enough courage to ask the dreaded question… ‘what are we?
It’s all fun and laughter until someone loses an eye, right? Eventually,  one of you will start demanding more. A little more time. A little more attention. A little more care. But something or someone is gotta give, and it has never been fair. Owe unto you if you caught yourself some feels.

Talk about the lost time, all that lost hope…unrequited feelings that are caught on the way, and the final blow: “let’s just be friends, I met someone new”. Who’s to blame? The one that caught feelings? Or the one that didn’t?

Fool me once, shame on you… Fool me 200 times, we’re probably in a situationship.

66 replies on “Situationships…”

Ultimately, situationships are just a set up for heartbreak. Someone will catch feelings eventually. “To define is to limit” just made me laugh out loud.
I love how well you write. Lovely post.

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